• Q. What is the difference between MET and CET?


    A. (MET) Merchandise Examination Team
    CBP is looking at imported trade products for Visa requirements, duty, verifying invoices against product, checking for product compliance, copyright, licensing and counterfeit products.
    Examinations are determined by Firms Code designated in the Broker Entry.


    (CET or A-TCET): Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team
    CBP is looking for illegal cargo, smuggling, weapons of mass destruction, and other contraband.
    Examinations are determined by CBP review of the Manifest

  • Q. What time is the examination scheduled?


    A. Price Transfer notifies CBP once the cargo is on the floor and Ready for Examination. It is CBP who determines when the exam will actually begin

  • Q. What is the typical time frame for the CBP Examination Process?


    A. CBP has 5 working days to determine if freight will be released or placed on HOLD.

  • Q. Can you expedite my container examination?


    A. CBP regulations dictate that freight is unloaded on a “FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS.” However, CTPAT Importers are considered priority and will be expedited to the Door Only.

  • Q. Can I have the name of the officer performing the exam?


    A. Due to safety reasons Price Transfer is not allowed to provide the officers name.

  • Q. Why do you only give 24 hours from the release date to pick up my container?


    A. Due to the large amount of containers requiring examination, all completed containers must exit in a timely matter.

  • Q. Why does Price Transfer only accept checks from brokers or truckers?


    A. Brokers and truckers have completed the credit process and established an account with Price Transfer.

  • Q. Why doesn’t CBP perform an LCL (Less than Container Load) exam at the CET facility?


    A. If a CET CBP officer refers a CET container for MET examination, the MET examination can be performed at the CET facility, otherwise, it must be performed at the MET facility.

  • Q. Can you provide your IRS number?


    A. Price Transfer does not provide our IRS number.

  • Q. Why hasn’t Price updated the AMS/ABI systems?


    A. Price Transfer is a CES facility and does not have access to AMS/ABI. The AMS/ABI systems are controlled by CBP.

  • Q. I have an account with Price Transfer, why am I receiving a GOC (Guarantee of Charges)?


    A. A GOC is sent if services other than Examination Fees are charged or at the request of the Broker. (Example of additional Fee: Trucking Fees).

  • Q. When can I expect an invoice?


    A. Invoices are provided within 24 hours after the freight exits the Price Transfer facility.

  • Q. I’m the Broker, but can my customer/importer pay the fees?


    A. Cash or Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard) payments can be made by anyone.

  • Q. My freight was seized, is it still at Price Transfer?


    A. Seized freight does not remain at the Price Transfer CES; CBP’s custodial trucker takes the freight to CBP’s seizure warehouse. Please contact Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures (FP&F) with any questions (562) 366-5750.

  • Q. What is the number to VSE?


    A. Price Transfer does not have the number to VSE, but you can contact Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures (FP&F) at (562) 366-5750 for more information.

  • Q. Why doesn’t Price Transfer accept Forwarder’s D.O. (Delivery Order)?


    A. Trackers are created based on the entry. All instructions have to come from the Broker who filed the entry.

  • Q. Can I arrange my own trucker?


    A. Yes, unless the Freight is on a Manifest Hold. Manifest exams require Price Transfer be assigned the trucker.

  • Q. Does the trucker have to be bonded?


    A. No. A bond in only required if the Freight is on a Manifest Hold.

  • Q. Why wasn’t my trucker notified when I sent a revised D.O. (delivery order)?


    A. Price Transfer communicates directly with the Broker and is not responsible for notifying the revised truckers.

  • Q. Why do I need to pay a deposit?


    A. A container deposit covers per diem. This is to protect our interchange.

  • Q. What type of Identification and/or Paperwork does my driver need in order to pick up/drop of freight?


    A. All drivers need a valid Driver’s License and a copy of the Delivery Order or a company hand ticket.

  • Q: How do I pay online?


    A: Visit www.pricetransfer.com, click on the PAY EXAM FEES link. Note: The entire tracker number must be entered in order to view charges. Ex: PX13000000. (Currently the system does not allow for online payment of drayage fees).

  • Q. How long does it take for a container to reload?


    A. 2-4 hours, depending on the commodity of the freight.

  • Q. Are the statuses on the website correct?


    A. Yes, all statuses on the website are real-time.

  • Q. Why is there a Pallet Exchange required for my LCL (Less than Container Load)?


    A. Due to CBP height requirements, freight higher than 4ft needs to be transferred to additional pallets.

  • Q. Does Price Transfer perform Live Loads?


    A. No, the day shift is dedicated to unloading containers and the night shift performs the reloading.

  • Q. Why hasn’t my container been unloaded?


    A. CBP performs a Seal Verification procedure on all containers prior to unloading, which can cause delays.

  • Q. What are Price Transfer’s hours of operation?


    A. The office is open from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM. The yard is open 24 hours from Monday 6:00 AM until Saturday 6:00 PM.

  • Q. What do I need to provide in order to get a Tracker Number?


    A. A Tracker is created in the system once Price Transfer receives a stamped 3461 authorized by CBP. We can also accept a faxed stamped 3461 and issue a Tracker, but the container will not be examined until we receive the stamped 3461 from CBP.

  • Q. Can I come to the Price Transfer CES Warehouse to check on my freight?


    A. Price Transfer is a Customs Examination Site; CBP only allows authorized personnel onsite.

  • Q: Can you provide me with a list of charges?


    A: A comprehensive list of rates can be found on our website www.pricetransfer.com

  • Q. Can Price Transfer send me photos/video of my freight?


    A. No, photos are taken for internal reference only; although, we will supply pictures of damaged goods. All video is controlled by CBP.

  • Q. Can you bill my Exports fees?


    A. No, all charges need to be cleared before the Freight leaves the Price Transfer facility.

  • Q. Who can I contact if I’m missing freight and want to file a claim?


    A. Contact the Price Transfer Claims Department at 800.397.7423 Ext. 3199 or email claims@pricetransfer.com

  • Q. Why can’t Price Transfer contact CBP regarding my freight?


    A. Only the Broker or Importer can contact CBP for additional information on the freight.

  • Q. When will my container be returned to the Terminal?


    A. Containers are returned once all fees are paid.

  • Q. Can you provide me with a list of all Price Transfer Exam Statuses?



    RECD 3461/PT

    Received paperwork from CBP


    In Yard (CY) - Not scheduled/set up for exam yet


    Unloading cargo for exam


    All cargo has been unloaded and ready for CBP to inspect


    CBP has inspected the freight but has not released yet (They have 5 working days to decide either release, partial or hold)


    CBP had held the cargo in the container and we are in process of reloading


    CBP has all cargo/merchandise on floor


    CBP released and we are waiting for reloading


    CBP released and we are in process of reloading


    CBP has held the freight on floor/ OK for empty to be returned - Broker must sign our empty release form in order for empty to be p/up


    CBP/AG has the freight in the container


    CBP is holding a portion of the cargo and releasing balance


    Full Container is released by CBP and reloaded and ready to process charges, call trucker


    Loose Freight released by CBP and ready to process charges, call trucker


    Emailed steamship line for their trucker to pick up - Waiting email back for trucker


    Only for manifested exams (A-TCET, ISET, IBET) Once CBP has released the cargo – We email the steamship line & terminal for their release of any charges, detentions or OBL before we can send the charges to the Broker.


    Working on charges to send


    GOC sent to Broker


    Received signed GOC from Broker/Customer


    Waiting for additional paperwork or Trucker verification with Line


    Price was notified by either broker/trucker/SS Line that the container is being moved by the SS Line (Door/Land bridge/Rail),Price emails the SS Line to find out which trucker they will be using to pick up


    Trucker to bring check- Additional charges due- container deposit due-storage due - Contact Facility


    Trucker has been notified


    The trucker has been notified the container is ready for pick up


    Trucker has picked up to take to final destination


    Empty has been picked up by trucker to return to terminal or per instructions Broker/Customer


    Invoiced - All freight released and picked up


    Invoiced, still hold by CBP and additional charges will be due upon release


    Invoiced and CBP has a portion of cargo on hold on floor and additional charges will be due upon release


    Invoiced and all freight has left facility ( released/seized/destroyed, Etc)


    Tracker cancelled either due to no exam, exam done at another site, mis-delivery, Etc.



  • Q. What is the difference between MET and CET?


    A. (MET) Merchandise Examination Team
    CBP is looking at imported trade products for Visa requirements, duty, verifying invoices against product, checking for product compliance, copyright, licensing and counterfeit products.
    Examinations are determined by Firms Code designated in the Broker Entry.


    (CET or A-TCET): Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team
    CBP is looking for illegal cargo, smuggling, weapons of mass destruction, and other contraband.
    Examinations are determined by CBP review of the Manifest

  • Q. Why is my container on customs HOLD/EXAM?


    A. Customs has a random compliance exam system which if freight / container is within U.S. Jurisdiction they have the Authority to examine.

  • Q. When will Price Transfer pick up my container from the terminal?


    A. Price Transfer will arrange for pick up once all necessary information is received from both the Terminal and Steam Ship Line.

  • Q. Why was the MDR (Manifest Discrepancy Report) sent after the freight was released by Customs?


    A. Because CET exams are Manifest Holds and are not Entry driven, we do not obtain CBP Form 3461 from Customs. After the exam is completed and we receive the 3461, the piece count can be compared.

  • Q. If I have an account with Price Transfer, why must I pay by check on Exam fees that exceed $2000.00?


    A. It is Price Transfer’s policy to collect payment prior to releasing the load for charges exceeding $ 2000.00.

  • Q. The Status shows “Customs Release”, why am I unable to receive my charges? Why do I have to wait for OBL/TERM (Original Bill of Lading/Terminal Release) clearance?


    A. All Steamship Line and Terminal fees must be paid prior to releasing freight from Price Transfer.

  • Q. Why isn’t Price Transfer in the AMS/ABI/ACE system?


    A. Price Transfer is a CES facility and does not have access to AMS/ABI. The AMS/ABI systems are controlled by CBP.

  • Q. My shipment is also requiring a MET/FDA/AQI exam; can you just do it there since the container is there?


    A. If the load came in as a full Container additional examinations can be done if Customs refers it to another agency for examination, otherwise partial (consolidated) loads will need to go to the CFS and then the freight can be transferred to the exam site for further examination by additional agencies.

  • Q. Why are you charges so high?


    A. All of Price Transfer’s fees are approved by CBP prior to implementation.

  • Q. Why can’t I use Price Transfer’s equipment (chassis)?


    A. Price equipment if for Price use only and cannot be loaned to outside parties.

  • Q. Can I be present during the examination of my freight?


    A. Price Transfer is a Customs Examination Site; CBP only allows authorized personnel onsite.

  • Q. Why am I required to pay a deposit? (Applies to both $200/Chassis & $400/Container)


    A. Equipment is released on the Price Interchange – Once the Empty is returned and Price receives the IN Interchange showing no additional charges to Price, the deposit will be refunded to paying party.

  • Q. Why am I still being charged CTF (Clean Truck Fee)?


    A. Although Ports no longer charging the CTF, all trucks traveling in and out of Los Angeles or Long Beach must be in compliance.

  • Q. Does Price Transfer have flipping capabilities?


    A. Yes, Flipping hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm (CLOSED 12:00 pm -1:00 pm daily)

  • Q. When is my LFD (Last Free Day)?


    A. LFD is 48 hours after Price receives an email release from SSL (Steamship Line).

  • Q. Who will issue the PTT (Permit to Transfer)?


    A. On CET Exams, CBP will provide the PTT directly to Price Transfer only. Price will then arrange pick up from terminal.

  • Q. Overweight Loads - LTL (Less than Trailer Load), FCL (Full Container Load), P/U (Pick-ups). Why can’t my container be reloaded as it was when it arrived? Why do I have to arrange multiple pickups?


    A. Overweight loads can only legally travel from the terminal to examination site. Once the exam is complete the PTT becomes invalid and D.O.T guidelines require that all loads must be at a legal weight.

  • Q. I wasn’t told my container went to Price for A-TCET/CET exam. Who advised Price to pick up the container?


    A. Price Transfer receives the PTT (Permit to Transfer) from CBP, giving Price the authority to pick up the freight from the terminal and transfer it to the exam site. Brokers can monitor the status of their cargo via the AMS/ABI/ACE system.

  • Q. Will Price Transfer advance demurrage fees due at the terminal before picking up my container and bill me for them later?


    A. Price Transfer does not advance any fees at the terminal – Fees are to be satisfied directly to terminal by the Customer/Forwarder prior to the load leaving the Price facility. (Yusen & APL terminals will not release loads to Price for Customs exam until demurrage fees are satisfied, Please contact the terminal directly so Price can proceed with pick up.)

  • Q. Why is my container being examined if it is leaving the country?


    A. Exported and Imported freight are both subject to Customs examination.

  • Q. Why am I receiving a GOC (Guarantee of Charges) on an Outbound examination?


    A. All fees must be paid prior to the release of the container.

  • Q. Can you provide me with a list of all Price Transfer Exam Statuses?



    RECD 3461/PT

    Received paperwork from CBP


    In Yard (CY) - Not scheduled/set up for exam yet


    Unloading cargo for exam


    All cargo has been unloaded and ready for CBP to inspect


    CBP has inspected the freight but has not released yet (They have 5 working days to decide either release, partial or hold)


    CBP had held the cargo in the container and we are in process of reloading


    CBP has all cargo/merchandise on floor


    CBP released and we are waiting for reloading


    CBP released and we are in process of reloading


    CBP has held the freight on floor/ OK for empty to be returned - Broker must sign our empty release form in order for empty to be p/up


    CBP/AG has the freight in the container


    CBP is holding a portion of the cargo and releasing balance


    Full Container is released by CBP and reloaded and ready to process charges, call trucker


    Loose Freight released by CBP and ready to process charges, call trucker


    Emailed steamship line for their trucker to pick up - Waiting email back for trucker


    Only for manifested exams (A-TCET, ISET, IBET) Once CBP has released the cargo – We email the steamship line & terminal for their release of any charges, detentions or OBL before we can send the charges to the Broker.


    Working on charges to send


    GOC sent to Broker


    Received signed GOC from Broker/Customer


    Waiting for additional paperwork or Trucker verification with Line


    Price was notified by either broker/trucker/SS Line that the container is being moved by the SS Line (Door/Land bridge/Rail),Price emails the SS Line to find out which trucker they will be using to pick up


    Trucker to bring check- Additional charges due- container deposit due-storage due - Contact Facility


    Trucker has been notified


    The trucker has been notified the container is ready for pick up


    Trucker has picked up to take to final destination


    Empty has been picked up by trucker to return to terminal or per instructions Broker/Customer


    Invoiced - All freight released and picked up


    Invoiced, still hold by CBP and additional charges will be due upon release


    Invoiced and CBP has a portion of cargo on hold on floor and additional charges will be due upon release


    Invoiced and all freight has left facility ( released/seized/destroyed, Etc)


    Tracker cancelled either due to no exam, exam done at another site, mis-delivery, Etc.


  • Q. What do I need to do to have Price Transfer pick up my container?


    A. Provide Price Transfer Trucking Department with a Delivery Order (DO) showing Price Transfer as your trucker. We will advise if anything is pending at the terminal prior to pick up.

  • Q. Why am I being billed a Clean Truck Fee (CTF)?


    A. We bill a clean truck fee for the usage of our clean trucks to retrieve your container from the terminal.

  • Q. What is Price Transfer’s SCAC code?


    A. PCTF

  • Q. What is considered overweight?


    A. 20’ – 47,001 lbs. to 58,000 lbs.
    40’ – 45,001 lbs. to 58,000 lbs.

  • Q. Who issues a Tracker number?


    A. Our Exam Departments issue a Tracker number once they receive the stamped entry (3461) from CBP or a Faxed copy from the Broker. (Note: a Tracker cannot be issued without the 3461)

  • Q. What is MSDS?


    A. Material Safety Data Sheet. It is needed for all hazardous loads.

  • Q. How many days in advance should the Delivery Order for pickup be sent?


    A. 24 hour notice is recommended to confirm everything has cleared at the terminals.

  • Q. My shipment was released yesterday, why am I being notified today?


    A. Pending Steamship line or Broker paperwork caused the delay in notification.

  • Q. Why can’t I pay for drayage charges online?


    A. This is currently not a feature of the system.

  • Q. When will my container be returned to the Terminal?


    A. After payment is received Price Transfer notifies the terminal for return booking information.